Democracy & Social Justice
Growing socio-economic inequality, poverty and the failure to deliver quality public services continue to threaten democratic grains in the region. Growing political instability in parts of the region, coupled with dysfunctional governments and the legacy of white minority rule, have significant implications for the state’s legitimacy and opportunities for popular political mobilization. The Democracy & Social Justice programme seeks to advance and defend the political voice of marginalised groups advocating for civic freedoms, socio-economic rights and the equitable use of state resources to address injustice. The programme supports citizen groups’ engagement with policy and the strengthening of citizen networks working to build responsive and accountable public institutions and to build a just society. The programme foregrounds and works to deepen feminist democratic practices in the realization of civic freedoms and socio-economic justice.
Household Affordability Index
The Household Affordability Index is produced by the Pietermaritzburg Economic Justice & Dignity Group, a Civil Society initiative that focuses on issues of economic justice, the low-wage regime and the increasing household affordability and food price crisis. The Household Food Basket has been designed together with women living on low incomes in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, Pietermaritzburg, Mtubatuba, and Springbok. It includes the foods and the volumes of these foods which women living in a family of seven members (an average low-income household size) tell us they typically try and secure each month.
EELC - Equal Education Law Centre | PEJDG - Pietermaritzburg Economic Justice & Dignity Group | Magamba | MVC - My Vote Counts | ILRIG-International Labour and research and Information Group | BESG - Built Environment Support Group | The Black Sash Trust | SADAG - The South African Depression and Anxiety Group | Archive Amabali Wethu | Sisonke Revolutionary Movement | Open Secrets