Human Rights & Gender Justice

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Sexual and Gender-Based Violence is a significant violation of human rights that hold serious negative consequences for victims/survivors, their families, communities and society. So too does the continued victimization and exclusion faced by Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LGBTQI) persons. The impact of violence and abuse, in particular against women and gender and sexual minorities, as well as the continued disenfranchisement of LGBTQI persons, cross-cuts other issues such as access to housing, food security, information, health, safety and security, education and employment. The core focus of our work in the Human Rights and Gender Justice sphere remains realising a gender-just society in Southern Africa where the human rights of women and LGBTQI+ persons are respected, protected and fulfilled. We partner and collaborate with a range of civil society actors in support of their work to raise public and political awareness of these issues. Our partnerships and alliance-building efforts also support community activism and movement building to strengthen a societal vision for a gender-just society.
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