Gender Justice

Gender Justice

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Photo by Gillian Benjamin

This component will address structural social and economic discrimination faced by many women throughout the region to promote true gender equity.

Despite the fact that equality is often enshrined at a formal level, particularly in South Africa, it is evident that women in virtually all aspects of social and economic participation are confronted with particular difficulties. Consequently the implementation of gender equity in practical everyday life is still a distant goal for this region.

The foundation’s aims are:

  • To sensitise citizens to gender-specific problems and topics through public debate, publications, networking and lobbying
  • To increase awareness within South Africa of gender equity, especially with the implementation of laws and guidelines
  • To increase public debate in Namibia on feminism, gender equity and disadvantaging of women
  • Continuing support of women and women’s organisations in claiming their socio-economic rights.

Because of the enormous hindrances to true equity of genders in the region, the HBF will encompass gender aspects more deeply than before as an ongoing task throughout all its programmes in the region.

Gender Justice

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Perspectives #03/2013: Women, Custom and Access to Justice

December 6, 2013 -
Largely based on presentations made during a symposium on “The application of customary law in the South African legal setting, traditional courts and other models: A women’s rights perspective”, co-hosted by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, this issue of Perspectives provides insight into country-specific challenges and controversies with regards to women’s access to justice in selected sub-Saharan African states. 

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Constitutional Court Considers Consent in Polygynous Customary Marriages

- June 6, 2013 -

In South Africa, a gap between pro-gender equality policies adopted by government and the lived reality of the majority of women continues to persist. In a contribution to bridge this gap, the Women’s Legal Centre with support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation has been able to achieve a landmark ruling by the Constitutional Court relating to customary law and polygynous marriages.



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Statements by the Alliance for Rural Democracy on the Traditional Courts Bill

The Heinrich Boell Foundation supported the formation of the Alliance for Rural Democracy aiming to promote networking and coalition building. The following press statements (re-) affirm the Alliance’s position on the controversial Traditional Courts Bill currently tabled in the South African parliament.

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Addressing systemic gender inequalities in housing

- May 19, 2010 - In consideration of the number of women that are being unfairly discriminated against in terms of the City’s practice to transfer immovable property into the names of the male spouse in pursuance of an old policy, the Women's Legal Centre, funded by Heinrich Boell Stiftung, challenged this in the Western Cape High Court. more»

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Gender Politics Makes A Difference: experiences of the Heinrich Böll Foundation across the world

- February 5, 2010 - In this publication, the Heinrich Böll Foundation presents some of its experiences, both setbacks and successes. It is just a small sample of HBS' work all over the world.  HBS is very much aware that its political and financial contributions are often only part of a larger network; yet its work does make a difference – for more gender justice. more»

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A simplified guide to your housing and eviction rights

- January 26, 2010 - Many women are evicted from their homes by their husbands, partners, family members or the owners of their homes. Often, women are evicted with their children and do not have anywhere else to live. The Women's Legal Centre, therefore, created this simplified guide to assist women in learning about their legal rights to housing and their rights in terms of evictions. more»

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Towards the adoption of reporting guidelines under the African Women’s Protocol

- August 6, 2009 - The need to develop guidelines on reporting under the Women’s Protocol is urgent. In developing these guidelines, lessons from the exiting guidelines should be incorporated. Emphasis should be placed on a workable set of guidelines that do not overburden states, and take into account their existing reporting obligations. more»

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Gender Mainstreaming – Possibilities and Limits of a Radical Social Concept

- Gender Mainstreaming needs to be taken more seriously and a topic for society as a whole. Besides legal frameworks, we need bottom-up policies, a strengthening of initiatives that target equality and more men on board to fundamentally change the relationship between the genders. By Barbara Unmüßig more»

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Women on Farms Project

- The foundation, together with its partner the Women on Farms Project, aims at addressing gender based violence in farming communities by assisting women on farms to claim their legal rights. more»