
FOCUS - A UPM & Masifunde Report on the Xenophobic Attacks in Grahamstown

On the afternoon of Wednesday, 21 October, xenophobic attacks broke out in Grahamstown. Foreign nationals as well as South African citizens from other parts of the country were attacked, and their shops looted. The Unemployed People's Movement warned police of rising tensions in the community, and convened a community meeting on October 12 to discuss matters with the police. 

Right Priorities for Africa's Power Sector

This study aims to assess the proposed dams under the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA) and their prospects for success, and to inform discussions about how best to allocate scarce development funds.

High Ambitions and High Risks: Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA)

Dr. Mzukisi Qobo describes PIDA's plan to double levels of investment in energy, water, and transportation mega-projects in Africa and the opportunities and risks these projects present for infrastructure investors and, especially, for Africans.  He cites six categories of risk (political; social and environmental; fiscal; security; institutional; and technical) and asks the big question: will PIDA accelerate the colonial patterns of resource extraction or foster the economic diversification required for Africa to prosper and expand job opportunities.