
Sexual Violence: Voices From the Ground

Since June 2015, activists from community based organisation the Unemployed People's Movement (UPM) have began a capacity building programme that includes research into and writing about the most pressing problems facing impoverished communities in Grahamstown and surrounds.  'But Still We Rise'  is their first report from this process, and exposes the daily realities of violence faced by women across South Africa. The report is the creation of Siyasanga Bentele, Linda Gagayi, Siyamthanda Dyanti, Unathi Class and Ayanda Kota.

Final Report - Findings of the African Nuclear Study

Given the growing interest in nuclear energy generation from Africa countries, this study takes a closer look at nuclear energy from an African perspective and considers the emerging information in relation to nuclear energy supply in the countries that have advanced plans for nuclear- South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya.

Report: Climate Finance Regional Workshop

The provision of predictable and adequate finance is critical if developing countries are going to make meaningful progress in enhancing their resilience to adverse climate impacts and reducing carbon emissions. This report summarises the discussions at a 3 day open dialogue for accredited National Implementing Entities of the Adaption Fund and institutions wishing to gain accreditation in Southern Africa.

Sexualised Violence in the National Debate: Cross Border Observations on India and South Africa

This publication documents an exchange project undertaken by the India and South Africa offices of the Heinrich Böll Foundation on sexual violence between 2013 and 2015. The project sought to analyse and raise debates on what drives and sustains sexual violence against women in these two countries and to determine whether strategies to prevent and redress this are working. A documentary based on the project is also available for viewing.

African CSO Winter School on the 2015 Climate Agreement (ADP) Report

In August 2014, the Heinrich Boell Foundation convened a Winter School with civil society representatives from various African countries to deliberate and to develop a common understanding of what the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action means for Africa and what it needs to deliver in order to respond to Africa’s priorities and challenges in the context of climate change.

Losing Ground

We are using the world’s soils as if they were inexhaustible, continually withdrawing from an account, but never paying in. At the start of the International Year of Soils 2015, the Soil Atlas - Facts and Figures about Earth, Land and Fields – demonstrate why the protection of soil is important to us all.

Do Elections in Zimbabwe Favour the Rural Woman?

This report is a follow-up to the preliminary report produced by the Women’s Trust (TWT) and the Research and Advocacy Unit (RAU) in early 2014 on the effectiveness of the SiMuka! Zimbabwe, Woman, Get Counted! Register to Vote! in getting women to register to vote and to vote. This report goes further to note that whilst it is encouraging to see women turn out to vote in elections, and even more gratifying to see that the turn out can be strongly increased by woman to woman advocacy, there is always need to conduct a reality check on the actual process of the election and its outcome. This report investigates whether what happened before, during and after the elections affects women’s views of the elections and whether this differs for women in urban areas as for women in rural areas.

Perspectives #03/2014: What Ya Looking At? Africa Returns the Gaze

For this edition of Perspectives the Heinrich Böll Foundation asked a number of African intellectuals, writers and analysts to provide their take on Africa’s relationship with Europe. The result is a small collection of interviews, short essays and comments that throw light on the complexities and complexes of this relationship, using analysis, imagery, experience, provocation and humour.