COP27: A Turning Point for Climate and Human Rights Analysis This analysis outlines the main critical areas of the upcoming negotiations and key demands from civil society ahead of the COP27 Opening Plenary. By Sebastien Duyck, Nikki Reisch and Liane Schalatek
Reflections on oceans heritage Interview As South Africa celebrates heritage month in September the coastal community of Sicambeni on the East Coast of South Africa, together with social justice partners celebrated a victory for indigenous people. On 1st September 2022 the Makhanda High Court ruled that Shell’s exploration right to conduct seismic surveys on the Wild Coast of South Africa was granted unlawfully and therefore set it aside. Community and environmental activist Ntsindiso Nongcavu reflects on what the ruling means for those who lives are spiritually and economically connected to the oceans. By Ntsindiso Nongcavu
Living Within Our Means Interview Series The entire world's Overshoot Day is set to occur on July 28, 2022. If people across the world lived like those in the US and Europe, we would need many planets. But we only have one.
"Human rights should be the starting and the ending point" Interview Emilia Reyes is an international advocate for women's rights and an expert on gender-responsive public policies and budgets and sustainable development, including comprehensive disaster risk management and climate change. She highlights the necessity of degrowth and the problems of our global neoliberal system. By Emilia Reyes
"An Education Based on Strengthening Dignity and Respect for Others Has Become Indispensable" Interview Tarcila Rivera Zea from the Quechua-Chanka Nation of Peru has been an important indigenous activist and recognized defender of the rights of indigenous girls, women, youth and peoples for more than 40 years. She provides wisdom on how to educate young people to value Mother Earth. By Tarcila Rivera Zea
"Find a Way to Help your Community Using that Joy" Interview Keya Chatterjee is the Executive Director of US Climate Action Network (USCAN) and author of the book The Zero Footprint Baby: How to Save the Planet While Raising a Healthy Baby. She lays out how to defend democracy and fight the climate crisis. By Keya Chatterjee
"We Need to Focus and Embrace our Similarities" Interview Hilda Flavia Nakabuye is a climate, gender and environmental rights activist, public speaker, writer and Founder of Fridays For Future - Uganda. She explains how climate justice necessarily means social justice. By Hilda Flavia Nakabuye
"Human rights and gender equality are key to making production sustainable" Interview Anna Cavazzini has been a member a Member of the European Parliament for The Greens/EFA since 2019. She shares her thoughts on what needs to be done to secure a circular economy and a just transition. By Anna Cavazzini
CIEL & HBF: Beyond the Limits The latest report of the IPCC regarding Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability confirms that climate change is already causing severe and permanent loss and damage to human and natural systems pdf
Deferred not defeated: the outcome on Loss and Damage finance at COP26 and next steps Analysis Momentum gained on finance for Loss and Damage at COP26, if not derailed, can lead to more success at COP27 in Egypt. By Liane Schalatek and Erin Roberts