South Durban Communities Push On With Legal Action Against KZN MEC

The South Durban communities, represented by the Legal Resource Centre (LRC), are pushing on with their legal action against the KZN MEC for Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs, to stop the development of the Clairwood trucking depo – which communities claim will have an irrevocable, negative impact on their safety, livelihoods and on the environment in the area.​

Clairwood Racecourse Action Committee says No! to Logistics "park"
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Clairwood Racecourse Action Committee says No! to Logistics "park"
In a major win for their court case, the South Durban Community Environmental Alliance (SDCEA) – who has been protesting the development for some time – says that the MEC was ordered to deliver a supplementary answering affidavit by the 6 October 2017, since it was noted that “the MEC failed to apply his mind to the reports presented” and “the answering affidavit was poorly compiled.” The MEC has also been ordered to pay SDCEA, for wasted costs.
The application has been adjourned to the 11th December 2017, at the Durban High Court.
Heinrich Boell Foundation (HBF), an organisation driven by its civil society partnerships, is a proud supporter of the South Durban communities and SDCEA.
See the links below for further coverage (in local media) and information on this issue.
Rising Sun
Community to picket against Logistics Park development – Co-ordinator of South Durban Community Environmental Alliance (SDCEA), Desmond Mathew D’Sa, said that the community’s greatest fear is a number of serious accidents that the project will cause. (August 29, 2017)
Daily News
Residents protest over logistics park – Durban: Merebank residents took to the streets on Wednesday to protest against a logistics park development at the former Clairwood Racecourse. (Sept 14, 2017)
Clairwood residents, armed with bundles of research, faced off with city officials at a public meeting.
Sporting Post
Clairwood Sale Advances - Clairwood Racecourse sold for R430 million. Durban’s 91-year-old Clairwood racecourse site looks set to be transformed into a new warehouse and distribution centre to service the new dig-out port at the old international airport.  (May 25, 2012)
Farewell To Clairwood - Last midweek meeting at Clairwood today. (Jul 9, 2014)
2016 Berea Mail
Public meeting called to address Clairwood development - Residents state they do not want more trucking in the area, and will meet to discuss the proposed logistics park at the Clairwood Racecourse site. (Feb 26, 2016)…
More information about Clairwood Logistics Park - This is a logistics-themes development of the old Clairwood Racecourse, being undertaken by a JSE listed Capital Property Group.…