Ecological Justice

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The economy of the Southern African region is deeply rooted in an extractive development model. Economic alternatives including those that recognise the limits of growth, are not considered relevant to the region’s context given the high levels of poverty and unemployment. Economic policy is devised in accordance with aggregate economic indicators, which fail to account for environmental degradation, health and livelihood costs, and unpaid care work. Our work promotes the advancement of development paradigms, which recognize the equitable distribution of economic and natural resources while safeguarding and protecting an ecological balance. Crucial to this work is environmental justice, particularly in the struggles of communities affected by mining activities and air pollution. Our work in energy democracy supports research and advocacy in the renewable energy, fossil fuels and nuclear energy space. Through strong partnerships and alliances with civil society actors across the development spectrum, we are able to advance a collective approach to ecological and social justice. A just development paradigm must be realized if people and communities are to envision a society which values ecological justice.
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