Ecological Justice

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The economy of the Southern African region is deeply rooted in an extractive development model. Economic alternatives including those that recognise the limits of growth, are not considered relevant to the region’s context given the high levels of poverty and unemployment. Economic policy is devised in accordance with aggregate economic indicators, which fail to account for environmental degradation, health and livelihood costs, and unpaid care work. Our work promotes the advancement of development paradigms, which recognize the equitable distribution of economic and natural resources while safeguarding and protecting an ecological balance. Crucial to this work is environmental justice, particularly in the struggles of communities affected by mining activities and air pollution. Our work in energy democracy supports research and advocacy in the renewable energy, fossil fuels and nuclear energy space. Through strong partnerships and alliances with civil society actors across the development spectrum, we are able to advance a collective approach to ecological and social justice. A just development paradigm must be realized if people and communities are to envision a society which values ecological justice.
Latest Articles & Publications
 Koeberg power station, South Africa.

Cutting Corners? The International Best Practice Safety Upgrades not implemented as part of Koeberg's lifetime extension

Over the past decades, significant safety improvements have been made to nuclear plants as lessons from nuclear accidents have been integrated into reactor design. These are so significant that, France now considers older plants - identical to SA's Koeberg - to be unsafe. Consequently, in extending the life of these plants, France is undertaking significant safety improvements. As public hearings into the life extension of Koeberg get underway, we ask: how do France's upgrades compare to those being implemented by Koeberg?

Koeberg Long Term Operation Safety Report

In July 2022, Eskom submitted a Safety Case Report (SCR) on the Koberg Nuclear Power Station to South Africa’s National Nuclear Regulator (NNR), as part of the efforts to extend Koberg’s lifetime. Unfortunately, Eskom refused to make the SCR public, despite its significance to public interest. In January 2023, a heavily redacted version was released to the public, and in June 2023, following court action, the report was released in full. This publication compares the various versions of the SCR with the intention of highlighting what information Eskom sought to conceal.

Combatting Global Plastic Pollution

A critical look at the entire plastics cycle is also of crucial importance from a feminist perspective, because the plastic problem cannot simply be reduced to consumer use patterns or to harmful microplastics in cosmetic products. On the contrary, every stage of the plastics cycle reflects different gender-specific experiences and exposures.
talking about green hydrogen

Talking about green hydrogen: popular education materials

Increasingly, green hydrogen features prominently in the decarbonisation plans being adopted around the world. Given excellent wind and sun resources, much of it will be produced in global south countries, and exported to global north countries. Countries in the Southern African region are taking notice, and positioning themselves to benefit from these potentially lucrative future markets, by making significant infrastructure investments. But what is green hydrogen? Will investing in it really create jobs and wealth? This booklet presents accessible information regarding the promises, risks and impacts green hydrogen could have for communities in South Africa. It was developed as part of HBF CT’s work to uphold host communities’ right to Free Prior and Informed Consent, and support civil society capacity to engage in hydrogen related policy.