The long struggle for recognition of Khoi & San's right to benefit sharing for the use of their associated traditional knowledge to the uses of Rooibos species against the Rooibos Industry continues. As per Nagoya Protocol, where it is established that a certain community is the traditional knowledge-holder of a specific indigenous biological resource - such a community is entitled to benefits (both monetary and non-monetary), as part for the commercialisation of said indigenous biological/genetic resource. While today Rooibos is a profitable resource used all over the world, the Khoi and San communities are yet to benefit from this success.
Given the need to raise awareness around the perceived exploitation of Khoi & San communities, HBS together with its partner organisation Natural Justice with the assistance from Vision in Africa, embarked on developing a documentary that will shed light on the subject of Access and Benefit Sharing, as well as raise public awareness even amongst the Khoi and San on their right to benefit sharing resulting from the commercialisation of the Rooibos species.
Watch the video below: