Podcasts on the Nuclear Power Procurement Programme in South Africa

Reading time: 2 minutes
Nuclear Deals, Southern Africa
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Nuclear Deals, Southern Africa

South Africa's Department of Energy announced on the 14th of July 2015 that the procurement of 9.6 GW of new nuclear plants (6 to 8 new plants at an estimated cost of R1 trillion), is going ahead and will be completed soon. The particular deal seems to entail eight Russian PWR reactors, and possibly nuclear fuel cycle technology (fuel fabrication and research reactor). Information out of Russia is that Rosatom is proposing a new Generation III+ design for South Africa, a design not built in or outside of Russia.

However, the procurement of nuclear power seems to continue to contravene South Africa's laws and is occurring behind closed doors. Simple details like the cost of a nuclear power station are now considered state secrets. The nuclear procurement is not following the same competitive, transparent and cost-effective processes that renewable energy and new baseload coal are. The legal framework governing procurement and budgetary guidelines are not being adhered to, and the current procurement process is undermining the rule of law in South Africa. Furthermore, if the nuclear deal does go ahead, the sheer cost and scale will prevent a substantial roll-out of renewable energy in South Africa.

Thus the main objective of the breakfast benefit was to generate awareness around the proposed nuclear deal and garner additional financial support to protect the rule of law in South Africa.

Available Podcasts:

The Myths of Nuclear Power - Layla Al-Zubaidi, Heinrich Böll Stiftung Southern Africa

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The Nuclear Laager - Rasmus Bitsch, Sound Africa

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The Nuke Deal is SA's New Arms Deal - Andrew Feinstein, Author of the Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade Deal

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The Basis of the Nuclear Challenge - Makoma Lekalakala, Earthlife Africa

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Reflections on the Challenge- Dominique Doyle, Earthlife Africa

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Reflections on the Challenge - Lydia Mogano, SAFCEI

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